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  Longo Maï  
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Native Americans of Latin America, Mesoamerica, Caribbean

Leon Portilla, Miguel, El Reverso de la Conquista, Relaciones Azteca, Mayas e Incas (The conquest seen by its victims), S, 1964, Editoriales J. Mortiz, Mexico. Visión de los vencidos, 1959, S, Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico. Literatura Maya: Popol Vuh, Chilam Balam etc. (Very complete), 1980, Biblioteca Ayacucho, Caracas, Venezuela. Pre-Colombian Literatures of Mexico. 1969 and Aztec Thought and Culture: Study of the ancient Nahutl Mind. And many more titles by this great Mexican cultural historian... E, S.

Native Americans of North America

P Brown Joseph Epes and Black Elk, The Sacred Pipe and Black Elk speaks. Sioux cosmology and native way of life, E, D. (deutsch: Ich rufe mein Volk und Die heilige Pfeife.

Harold Cardinal, The Tortured Americans and The Unjust Society, E.

Lame Deer, John Fire and Erdoes, Richard, Seeker of Visions. 1976, E, D.

Momaday Scott, House Made of Dawn, E, Good novel about modern Indian life

Powell, Peter, Sweet Medicine and People of the Sacred Mountain

Costa Rica/Central America

Asturias Miguel Angel, Hombres de Maíz, Viento fuerte and much more, S, E, G. One of the greatest of Lat. Am.

Argueta Manlio, Un día en la vida (and other titles), 1980, UCA editores, San Salvador, S, E: Oligarchic terror in El Salvador told by the victims: campesinas, campesinos and their children. Excellent and very authentic novel.

Guevara Berger  Marcos y Rubén Chacón Castro, Territorios  Indios en Costa Rica, García Hermanos S.A., 1992, San José, S, order at: Apdo: 555-2100. Standard book about indígenas.

Kräme Michael: Vom Krieg zum Frieden niedriger Intensität, 1996, ISP-Verlag Köln, D. (War in El Salvador)

López José Ignacio, Rebel Radio: The Story of El Salvador's Radio Venceremos, 1995, Lat. Am. Bureau, London.

Meléndez Carlos & Quince Duncan, El Negro en Costa Rica,1989, Ed. Costa Rica, San José, S.

Ramirez Sergio: Viva Sandino, 1983, S. (Revolution und Sandinismus in Nicaragua).

Sánchez José León, Tenochtitlan: The last battle of the Aztecs, 1986, S, E. (and more titles) Leading CR author

Weinberg Bill, War on The Land: Ecology and Politics in Central America, 1991, Zed Books, London.

Latin America and Caribbean

Castro Americo, La Realidad Histórica de España, 1957, S, G: Censured Perspectives on Al Andalus.

Chomsky Noam, Year 501: The Conquest Continues. E, G, S.  And much more about US imperialism in Latin America and the whole world -  see Chomsky's homepage

Collinson Helen,  Green Guerillas: Environmental Conflicts and Initiatives in L. A., 1996, L.A. Bureau, London.

DEI, Apdo: 389-2070, Sabanilla, San José, Costa Rica. Important titles by Hinkelammert, Gallardo and others.

Galeano, Eduardo, Las venas abiertas de America Latina. S, E, D (The classic book about explotation of Latin America),  

Memoria del Fuego, S,E,D, 1982. And many more important writings by this leading thinker of our time.

Néstor García Canclini, Culturas híbridas,  1990, Grijalbo, Mexico D. F., S

World Culture, Colonialism, Imperialism, (Economic) domination

Aktionshandbuch Dritte Welt, BUKO, Schmetterling Verlag, G, excellent lots of useful addresses and tips for action.

Amin, Samir: many titles about political economy and dynamics of liberation, E, F.

Atlas der Welt Verwicklungen, Dritte Welt Haus Bielefeld, Peter Hammer, full of excellent graphics about south-north problems, G.

Bagchi, Amiya K., The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, Cambridge University Press, 1982, E.

Boal Augusto, Theater der Unterdrückten, Inszenierungen von Unterdrückung und Befreiung, Übungen und Spiele für Schauspieler und Nicht-Schauspieler, Edition Surkamp, Frankfurt 1979 (first edition in portuguese, 1976), G

Buchreihe Süd-Nord, zum Beispiel Kaffee, ... Bananen, ...Zucker , ...Mais, ...Fair Trade, usw., Lamuv, Göttingen, G.

Chayanov. A. V., The Theory of Peasant Economy, 1960, D, E: a classic in this field

Cheikh Anta Diop (from Senegal), Barbary and Civilization, E, F.

Dottke Brigitte, Lernen zu Widerstehen, Theorie und Praxis Verl. D, and other publications: learn to resist

Esteva Gustavo, S, D. FIESTA - jenseits von Entwicklung, Hilfe und Politik.

Fanon, Frantz, The Wretched of the Earth, 1966 and Black Skin, White Masks, 1967, F, E, D: Classic  black view on racism

Feroz Ahmed and Luis Bernard, E: rewriting history - Turkey-Israel

Freire Paulo, Pädagogik der Unterdrückten, 1970 (ed. in portuguese), D, E - Klassiker der Bildung zur Befreiung.

Guha Ranajit (ed.), Subaltern Studies, Writings on South Asian History and Sociology, 1983, E: Peasant struggles.

Habib (father, son, grandson), E: rewriting history from perspective of the colonized

Hobsbawm, Eric J., 1965, E: a pioneer in "people's history"

Kapfelsberger Eva & Pollmer Udo, Iss und stirb, dtv, D: good book about nutrition/contamination.

Karliner Joshua, The Corporate Planet, Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization, San Francisco, USA, 1997, E,  

Khella Karam, Imperialismus heute, Theorie & Praxis Verlag Hamburg, G.

Khella Karam, Der Angriffskrieg gegen Jugoslawien und die Kosovokrise 1999, G und: Der Fall Jugoslawien, D, 1997

Khella Karam, Grundlegung der Universalistischen Geschichtstheorie, 1994, Theorie und Praxis Verlag Hamburg, D, S, F.

Khella Karam, Mythos Marx,  D, 1995, Theorie und Praxis Verlag, Hamburg: Many surprises about  European Left

Khella Karam,  Die erfundene Realität, D, 1997, Theorie und Praxis Verlag, Hamburg: Critical review of marxist and conventional economic analysis - astonishing new insights.

Kidron Michael and Segal Ronald, World Atlas: Political,  Health by Judith Mackay, Ecology by Joni Seager, excellent

Leuthard Beat, "An den Rändern Europas" (99) and "Festung Europa" (94), both Rotpunktverlag Zürich, D. Migrants.

Lindqvist Sven, Exterminate All the Brutes, 1997, Granta Books, E, D:  Centuries of European genocide worldwide.

Martin Hans-Peter& Schumann Harald, Die Globalisierungsfalle, 1969, Rowohlt, Hamburg, D.

Mertens Heide, Wunschkinder, 1991 Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, D. Questions of population.

Mowforth Martin and Jan Munt, Tourism and Sustainability, 1998, Routledge, London.

Nohlen Dieter (Hg.)Lexikon Dritte Welt, RoRoRo, Reinbek, D.

Rifkin Jeremy, The Biotech Century, Penguin Putnam Inc., 1998, E,D,F,S: Exellent analysis in depth and scope

Risala Nr. 4, Imperial science produces imperialism, colonialism, D, 1999: e.g. Sudan, Egypt, Islam.

Rodney Walter, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa,  1988, Bogle L'Ouverture Publications Ltd., London, E.

Rüsen Jörn (Hg.), Westliches Geschichtsdenken - eine interkulturelle Debatte, 1999, D: Historians of 4 continents.

Sabet Hafez, Die Schuld des Nordens, Horizonte Verlag, 1992, D: The North looted 25'000 milliards US$ from south....

Said Edward, Culture and  Imperialism, E, D: profound critique of "Orientalismus" and other western myths.

Sarkar Sumit, E: important studies on rural class struggles

Shiva Vandana, Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge (and other publications), 1997, Southend Press, Boston.

Smith Russell, Tree Crops - A Permanent Agriculture, 1950, E: Integral vision of tree based agriculture world - wide.

Tariq, Ali: leading analyst of regional and class problems on Indian subcontinent.

Taylor Timothy, The Prehistory of Sex, 1996, Fourth Estate Limited, London, E. A critical review of most of the current theories about the cultural evolution of humanity and a new understanding of the role of sexual attraction.The South Centre, Chemin du Champ d'Anier 17, C.p. 228, 1211 Genève 19, Switzerland: Info by southern scientists.

Thompson, Edward P., The Making of the English Working Class, 1963, E, and other pioneering studies.

Wallerstein Immanuel, The Politics of the Word Economy and many more works on global political-economy, 1984, E, D